Rwanda - CYATO | Cup Score 86


إيحاءات القهوة

الدبس، الشيكولاتة، و البرتقال

 نقدم لكم قهوتنا الفريدة من رواندا. "سـياتو" قهوة مميزة  مليئة بإيحاءات الدبس و الشيكولاتة مع حمضية خفيفة بنوتات البرتقال. ننصح بتحضيرها باستخدام التقطير / الفلتر


Tasting Notes


This coffee is best suited for filter/pour-over brews, producing a unique, delicate and clean cup with a syrupy body, sweet lingering finish, and clean acidity.

About CYATO:
Roast Level –Medium
Variety – Red Bourbon
Preparation – Washed
Location – Cyato Sector, Western Province, Rwanda
Altitude – 1,850-2,200m ASL
Farmers in the CYATO sector own coffee farms around the NYUNGWE forest, which is favourable for coffee plantations, not only because of the abundant presence of bees, but also for the rich black humus and sandy soil. The region is also near to Lake Kivu, which provides a cool and wet climate at high elevations.