Understanding the Basics of Coffee Grind Sizes

Understanding the Basics of Coffee Grind Sizes

Grind size can be the difference between a superb cup of French press and an oily, slimy cup of hot brown bitterness, in addition to increased flavors and roasting intensity.

In most circumstances, the grind size you're aiming for will be defined by your coffee brewing tool. Because coffee beverages can be prepared by drip or under pressure, the grinding method and grind size must be compatible with your coffee-making equipment.

When coffee comes into touch with water, the grind size you chose has an impact on the taste. The fineness or coarseness at which the beans are ground influences how quickly water passes through them, affecting the strength of your coffee.

Coarse Grind

If your beans are coarsely ground, the water will swiftly pass through the bits, removing only a portion of the flavor. To attain a full flavor balance, brew these grounds for a little longer so that more flavor is extracted. That's why a French Press, for example, can take four minutes to make the perfect cup of coffee.

Medium Grind

The ideal grind for drip coffee is medium grind, which is the standard for grocery store pre-ground coffee. This coffee is easy to scoop and add to your drip filter because it has less cling. It resembles dry sand in consistency and size.

Fine Grind

Finely ground beans have finer coffee grinds that are packed closer together. Water can take longer to travel through all of the grinds, extracting more flavor as a result. That's why you just need a fraction of the time to make an espresso than you would with a French Press to obtain the full flavor of your coffee.


What is the best grind for your cup of coffee!

Coarse Grind:  This coarser coffee grind is ideal for brewing methods that require water immersion, such as the French Press.

Medium-Coarse Grind:  For most pour-over brewers, such as a Chemex, this is slightly smoother but still quite large.

Medium Grind: This sandy-textured coffee grind is one of the most popular grinds, and it's ideal for drip coffee makers and aeropress.

Medium-Fine Grind: This grind resembles silky sand but does not cling together, making it a good choice for most pour-over brewers. 

Fine Grind: This smooth powder has a finer crush than table salt. Because it packs together well, a fine grind is ideal for espresso machines.

Have fun grinding!


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